Combating resistance to aphicides in UK aphid pests


The project, which is supported by the CRD on behalf of Defra and Industrial parties, will continue research on aphicide resistance management for the UK farming industries.


It will provide up-to-date information for agronomic and regulatory procedures; and the need for this work is heightened by the recent occurrence of control failures with neonicotinoids against Myzus persicae in southern Europe. The appearance of these resistant aphids at an initial hotspot and their establishment and spread mirrors the evolution of MACE resistance (to pirimicarb) in M. persicae in the 1990s (which caused control failures in the UK within a few years), and highlights a substantial new threat to aphid control in this country. The presence of resistant aphids in the UK would have very serious repercussions for neonicotinoid treatments on potatoes, sugar beet (particularly as there are no current viable alternatives to neonicotinoids on this crop), oilseed rape, other brassicas, salads and ornamentals. It would, in turn, accentuate the risk of the evolution of resistance to non-neonicotinoid compounds such as pymetrozine and flonicamid.

Project code:
FV 344a
01 January 2012 - 31 December 2014
AHDB Horticulture
Project leader:


RD-2011-3768_APR_2012 FV 344a FV 344a CS psg 2013 HGCA APR 2014 HGCA APR 2015 HGCA APR 2016 HGCA APR Resistance monitoring 2017 Report Resistance Monitoring Report April 2018 to March 2019_AHDB Resistance Monitoring Report_April 19 to March 20