Review of the identification and control of progressive die-back symptoms in blueberry


The Problem:

In April 2012 Project SF132 was set up to investigate the problem of dieback in blueberry. Some progress has been made. However, by March 2014 it is unlikely that the cause of the problem will be established with confidence. Until the cause is clearly identified it is not possible to further our understanding of how and when the pathogen gains entry and how the problem is spread. Without this knowledge it is not possible to evaluate fungicide control or provide advice on disease management. Therefore a one-year extension to the project is requested. This will enable the problem to be further investigated, especially to confirm pathogenicity of the fungal isolates already obtained and to study disease spread. Preliminary experiments on evaluating fungicides and disease management will also be conducted.
Project code:
SF 150
01 April 2014 - 31 March 2015
AHDB Horticulture
AHDB sector cost:
Project leader:


SF 150_Report_Final_2015 SF 150_GS_Final_2016

About this project

Aims and objectives:
(i) Project aim(s):
The overall aim is to identify the cause of dieback in blueberry bushes and to develop methods of control
(ii) Project objective(s): The specific objectives are:
1. To identify the cause of an aggressive type of dieback and crown rot symptom responsible for rapid decline or death in blueberry bushes
2. To discover how the problem is spread within and between sites
3. To develop methods to manage and control the problem