
21 January 2021

How can improvements and innovations in technology help farmers and growers achieve net zero?

19 January 2023

Find out more about improvements in lighting in horticulture.

23 June 2022

For 20 years or more, glasshouses originally built to produce other crops have been converted for soft fruit production. Read this Technical Update to find out more about how you can adapt existing glasshouses to suit soft fruit production.

27 November 2020

The use of sensors within horticulture is hardly a recent development, with thermometers, measuring boxes and CO2 sensors having been used for decades. However, the advent of wireless sensing technology, as well as the reduction in prices of such equipment, means data collection is now cheaper and easier than ever before. Determining which types of sensors are best suited to your needs depends on a myriad of factors. This Technical Update looks at the sensors that may be available to you for different measurement requirements, how the information may be shared and viewed, and the impact of big data.

27 November 2020

If someone offered you a product that could increase light transmission in your glasshouse by 10%, would you be interested? Research has shown a strong correlation between crop yield and the amount of Photosynthetic Active Radiation (PAR: 400-700nm wavelengths) light reaching the crop. Read more about how you can improve your light transmission.

23 June 2022

Optimising production methods is one of the aims of many greenhouse growers, and each type of plant will have its own requirements and characteristics in terms of the environment it can thrive in. An important part of achieving that environment is air movement.

23 June 2022

Light Emitting Diode (LED) lighting has been developed for horticulture since the late 1980s, yet it remains on the periphery of mainstream sources for glasshouse lighting. Conventional assimilation (supplementary) lights, such as high-pressure sodium (HPS) lamps, still tend to be the go-to option for many growers for various reasons. In this technical update, we consider the developments in LED technology in recent years and whether or not LEDs are an economically viable alternative to conventional light sources.

27 November 2020

Electricity bills vary in complexity from simple to seemingly almost unintelligible. They all contain a breakdown of elements of electricity cost including fuel use, electricity transport, billing metering and energy taxation in some way. Read this Technical Update to help you understand your electricity bill.

27 November 2020

Next Generation Growing (NGG) is a set of techniques pioneered by Dutch growers to increase glasshouse production efficiency. The key benefit of NGG is the creation of an environment in which the plant thrives so that photosynthesis is maximised under the given light level. The principles of NGG focus on providing the crop with exactly what it needs, when it needs it. Read more about how to apply NGG to your glasshouse growing system by reading this Technical Update.

20 July 2021

Thermal storage is the means of storing thermal energy (heat or cooling) so it can be used sometime after it is generated.

20 July 2021

Key aspects to consider in the design and maintenance of an efficient modern heat storage system.

23 June 2022

Cold store setup and management contribute significantly to the cost of operation. Cold stores are used within horticulture in a variety of situations and for different purposes, so a ‘one type fits all’ approach is rarely the most efficient. There are, however, several considerations to be made in ensuring that you get the best from your own or rented facilities. Some of these were explored during a two-day study tour in Denmark, by a group of hardy ornamental stock growers. Read this Technical Update to find out more.
